Venus-Saturn 2020
This content of this article is based on my own astrological interpretation. You may or may not need to believe.
Written by Hawk Liu
(You may ignore this paragraph if you are new to astrology)
Venus will be in Gemini from 5.4.2020–7.8.2020. Venus will also retrograde over 5º to 21º Gemini from mid-May to end of June. A retrograde is a planet seemingly going backwards in its path in the sky. In simple terms, Venus will pass over degrees 5 to 21 Gemini 3 times this year. Venus in Gemini trines (a favourable connection with) Saturn in Aquarius 4.4.2020–end of Jun 2020.
The overall effect is that Venus will stay in the sign of Gemini longer than any other sign this year and next year because Venus will only retrograde again in 2022.

Gemini’s energy is concerned with communication, interaction, distractions, jumping from idea to idea / task to task, frivolous entertainment, reading, writing, learning, etc. Gemini is a very, very restless energy. Venus’ purpose is to enjoy, indulge, related to others, enjoy something of value, making beautiful things, and be in a romance. Venus tells us what we are attracted to. When Venus is going on a longer then usual journey through Gemini, Venus is attracted to all the Gemini things fore-mentioned. We are all soaking up the Gemini of superficial distractions to last the isolation period.
Humans are on a global lockdown in various degrees and that will be a challenge to doing all the Gemini things, especially the need to connect with other people. The trine between Venus and Saturn suggest some form of restriction (Saturn quality) or difficulty (Saturn quality) for humans to enjoy or indulge in our entertainment or connecting with others. However, because it’s a trine (easy flow of energy), the ability to enjoy doing Gemini activities is not hugely impaired.
What do the mumble-jumble mean?
The restriction (Saturn) of human movement in general results in people being confined, bored and having difficulty in meeting friends. The human solution is to indulge (Venus) in frivolous entertainment – Netflix! (Gemini), engage in reading, writing, learning new things, and connecting with others through technological systems (Saturn in Aquarius) more than ever – like through video chats and video conferencing softwares. The new ways of connecting with people are becoming new norms (Saturn). People are making music together online. That is also becoming a new norm.
People are discovering new content (Gemini) to consume (Venus). The connection of Venus (artistic things) to Saturn (systems, norms) in Aquarius (innovation, technology, benefitting humanity), is reflecting in the fact that many art organisations (Saturn) have started streaming (Aquarius) their content for free (Aquarius). This includes major establishments (Saturn) like the Metropolitan Opera, Vienna State Opera, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Royal Opera House, Bolshoi Theatre – you get the idea. The arts scene (Venus) is on the way to getting help (Aquarius) from government establishments (Saturn). New ways of doing old things will help the community (Aquarius).

(From The Straits Times 9.4.2020)
I try to make sense of the meaning of the Venus retrograde period (April til end of June 2020) and the shadow period after (July onwards). A retrograde usually signifies a slowly down, or difficulty. Saturn is also going through a retrograde from May onwards for a while. This means difficulty in establishing new norms or systems that work. I also forsee frustration with the confinement and boredom with the available sources of distractions from online entertainment, learning, writing, and such. Systems may prove unable to sustain supply for the consumption that will only increase. For example, internet (Aquarius) systems (Saturn) in many parts of the world may not be able to provide the bandwidth for the level of consumption.
The Venus retrograde may also be a time for reflecting on how we may connect with other people in the face of potential isolation being extended. When Venus comes out of the retrograde from July onwards, people may become more independent. They may establish (Saturn) routines that work where they are less relying on other people. In fact, lockdowns may prove easier for some than others. Personally, during this period of global, physical inactivity, I feel like the world is stopping so that I can catch up.
Read this link to see how some deeply rooted social norms may have to change...
I have not been making any special astrological predictions because the signs are quite obvious now by the time I am writing this. The test is in my next essay when I tackle Mars’ multiple transits. I have not done any analysis, so let’s see what the planet of fire, afflictions, inflammation, war and conflict will bring us…