Written by Hawk Liu
What is the Future of USA from 2020,
According to Astrology
This content of this article is based on my own astrological interpretation. You may or may not need to believe.
This is the USA chart for its founding on 4 July 1776, Philadelphia (Pennysylvania) 5.10pm

USA – this is the year 2020 – of coronavirus, of economic woes, of personal freedoms being challenged, of the highly controversial presidential election and the riots that ensued, of black-lives-matter, and of conscience.
Here are a few important transits for USA for 2020-2023-2025. Skip the jargon and read the plain English if you are not an astrologer.
[plu27cap/2 cj plu 3.2.2022–1.11.2023]
I reckon the Pluto return would be the most important transit in the chart of USA for now. USA was founded in 1776 when Pluto was in 27º Capricorn in the house of values and resources. After 244 years, Pluto is coming back to 27º Capricorn in 2022, completing its very 1st cycle. Pluto represents destruction, transformation, digging deep and coming to terms with matters at hand. Capricorn stands for government, traditions, structures, systems and instruments of hierarchy and status, including money.
What does it mean? – This transit may spell destruction, challenge, coming face to face with traditions that need to change. Government structures and what the country values are due for transformation and reboot. The meanings of hierarchy and wealth and societal status will be re-examined. USA was born out of the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783, according to Wikipedia) when Pluto was in 27º Capricorn and was soon entering Aquarius – the sign of revolution and freedom and equal rights for the common man. Likewise, this time, pluto will be in running into Aquarius in 2023, soon after it hits 27º Capricorn in 2022. This means USA may be heading into a revolutionary state of affairs. There may be major changes to traditions / establishments / systems / hierarchy / corporate ideals and status. The country must then come to terms with humanitarian issues / the needs of the common man instead of focusing on money making and feeding the rich.
[plu22cap/2 tr nep22vir/9 13.2.2019–19.11.2020]
Neptune in the chart of USA signifies its spiritual issues and belief systems. This Pluto transit challenges the American ideals on rights and freedoms – happening at the moment with black-lives-matter, freedom not to wear masks or the belief that the coronavirus doesn’t even exists, etc.
[nep22pis/3 op nep22vir/9 18.4.2021–8.1.2023]
This transit may bring about a dissolving of previously held beliefs and ideals. There could be a move towards compassion (pisces) rather than criticisms (virgo) and picking fights over small details in ideologies.
[mar24ari/4 sq mer24can/8 17.8.2020–26.12.2020]
[plu24cap/2 op mer24can/8 21.2.2020–29.11.2021]
[ven24cap/2 op mer24can/8 8.12.2021–28.2.2022]
[nep24pis/3 tr mer24can/8 14.4.2022–26.12.2023]
[mar24can/8 cj mer 20.10.2024–5.4.2025]
[chi24ari/4 sq mer24can/8 1.5.2025–19.3.2026]
Mercury in the chart is receiving a lot of action. For USA, it represents information and ideas of national importance (Cancer), national secrets (8th house), the health of its economy (8th house), and its internaltional trading partners (Mercury rules 7th house of partnerships and formal agreements). Expect to see breaking down (Mars), digging deep (Pluto) into secret information, re-evaluating (Venus) its currency and worth, applying compassion or being too idealistic (Neptune) about its ventures, and being too rash (Chiron in Aries) in trusting its economic partners.
[chi14ari/4 op sat14lib/10 2.5.2022–22.3.2023]
[(a) mar20ari/4 cj chi 6.8.2020–15.12.2020]
[(b) chi13ari/4 sq sun13can/7 14.4.2022–4.3.2023]
[chi20ari/4 cj chi 20.4.2024–9.3.2025]
Chiron seems to figure strongly from the 2020 til 2025. Chiron represents the pain and psychological Achilles heel of the country. Chiron will return to its initial position in the country’s chart in the 4th house of roots / land / and identity.
Meaning – the country is due for self healing from its wounds. In the days of its founding, the country suffer insecurity as a nation independent (Aries) of its ties to the British Empire. The long American Revolution brought a change to its future. The current Chiron return (2024-2025) may bring about a national healing amidst its internal battles to become confident again of what it stands for. USA is taking a beating from inside and outside right now with its controversial president in power, its civil unrest and its national identity breaking down. Looking at the other Chiron transits (a)(b), the years leading to the period of healing would be tumultuous.