Written by Hawk Liu
Mars 2020 - the Grand Finale
This content of this article is based on my own astrological interpretation. You may or may not need to believe.
To avoid the jargon, just read the stuff in larger fonts
Combination 1
Mars in 22º Capricorn conjuncts Jupiter in 22º Capricorn 20.3.2020
Mars in 24º Capricorn conjuncts Pluto in 24º Capricorn 23.3.2020
Mars in 0º Aquarius conjuncts Saturn in 0º Aquarius 1.4.2020
Combination 2
Mars in 19º Aries squares Jupiter in 19º Capricorn 4.8.2020
Mars in 23º Aries squares Pluto in 23º Capricorn 14.8.2020
Mars in 26º Aries squares Saturn in 26º Capricorn 24.8.2020
Combination 3
Mars in 19º Aries squares Jupiter in 19º Capricorn 18.10.2020
Mars in 22º Aries squares Pluto in 22º Capricorn 9.10.2020
Mars in 25º Aries squares Saturn in 25º Capricorn 28.9.2020
Combination 4
Mars in 7º Taurus squares Jupiter in 7º Aquarius 22.1.2021
Mars in 23º Aries squares Pluto in 23º Capricorn 22.12.2020
Mars in 2º Taurus squares Saturn in 2º Aquarius 12.1.2021
Mars in 6º Taurus conjuncts Uranus, squares Jupiter in 7º Aquarius 20.1.2021
In Other Words:–
Mars come into alignment with Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn during the 2nd half of March 2020 and then moves away to form a square (a period of difficulty) with the same planets from August 2020 to January 2021.
What does the energy of Mars bring?
Mars transits bring aggression, afflictions, wounds, quarrels, physical action, and recklessness. There are good qualities too but its contact with Pluto and Saturn usually highlights bad news.
What happened in March 2020 (Combination 1)?
I try to keep it simple – its contacts with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in the 2nd half of March 2020 would bring these energies:–
Mars-Jupiter/Cappricorn – mass action of some sort, judgement (finger pointing, blaming), trying to do the right thing so as not be judged – which are the right decisions?
Mars-Saturn/Cappricorn – afflictions, suffering due to physical pains, long hours of tedious work, regimented routines, fatigue, systems and conventions being tested (failures showing up)
Mars-Pluto/Cappricorn – death, heightened perceived physical and psychological dangers or threats.
For this group of transits (Combination 1), we only have to look at the graph below. The number of coronavirus cases / deaths rose exponentially in the 2nd half of March 2020. No further elaboration needed.

from this website https://www.nippon.com/en/japan-data/h00691/rise-in-japan%E2%80%99s-covid-19-cases-starting-to-speed-up.html
In combination 2 (August 2020), Mars forms a square (difficulty) with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto. Mars returns in October 2020 (combination 3) and square the 3 planets again. Basically, what’s going to happen in October will be a reinforcement of what would have potentially started in August. Mars will again resume its path to square the 3 planets yet again in December 2020-January 2021 (combination 4).
So what shall we expect from August til December 2020?
The repeated Mars contact with the 3 planets is exacerbated by the fact that Mars will be retrograding in the sign of Aries during this period. Mars in Aries can potentially bring a double dose of affliction, war (figuratively or real), pain, physical danger, quick action, explosion, aggression, immediate dangers and striving for survival. On the other hand, it can also signify victory, confidence and leadership. Let’s look at what combinations 2 and 3 may bring, accordingly to astrological interpretations of the energies.
Mars/Aries sq Jupiter – decisions of the authorities are questioned, conflicting views on what are the best directions to take, quick and sudden change of plans, conflicting opinions about what is right and wrong or what is ethical or not, a need to conquer physical or philosophical battles, or conflicts in ideologies (politics, religious, etc). The issue of personal rights and privacy is real and the battle may become stronger and more into the open from August.
This quote from the article sums up the issue – “But some critics have questioned the need to reveal so much personal information, and if public good comes at the expense of privacy.” The need for privacy is in conflict with the national need for transparency to tracing coronavirus cases. The article discusses the reluctance of the masses to give away their private information to aid disease tracing.
Mars/Aris sq Saturn – systems (government, health care and such) and procedures may be tested to the limit, breakdowns, afflictions, physical pain and sorrow, deaths, breaking off from routines, will of the individuals against establishments; breakdown of financial systems. etc
Mars/Aris sq Pluto – deaths, heightened sense of physical and psychological danger or threats, immediate dangers, survival instincts kicking in, struggle for control and power, a need to change everything you have been used to as quickly as possible, breakdown of financial systems, etc.
In a nutshell:
Expect power struggles, deaths, immediate dangers, possible sudden natural disasters or war, strong philosophical conflicts (possibly civil politics or otherwise), sudden breakdowns of infrastructures or systems (government and financial), survival issues, etc.
I can’t say whether this will be a continuation of the Covid-19 story, or something new that begins a new series of events. Something is certainly brewing…
What does Combination 4 say? (post 2020)
Mars in 23º Aries squares Pluto in 23º Capricorn 22.12.2020
Mars in 2º Taurus squares Saturn in 2º Aquarius 12.1.2021
Mars in 7º Taurus squares Jupiter in 7º Aquarius 22.1.2021
Mars/Aries squares Pluto/Capricorn
This will be the 3rd iteration of Mars-Pluto effect – deaths, heightened sense of physical or psychological danger or threats, power struggles, aggression, war, etc.
Mars/Taurus squares Saturn/Jupiter/Aquarius
The energies of Taurus (stability / immovability) and Aquarius (innovation, reformation) are at odds with each other. The energy to innovate, to reform old systems will be met by complacency, and a reluctance to change. Change will not come as quickly as optimistic Jupiter wants it to. This period might see a need to do many things differently from what is happening in the world in 2020. People in authority are pushing for reforms but the challenge is to move the reluctant masses to comply. There will be attempts to move things around. Some things will move fast, some slow and some immovable. In other words, some people will move quickly ahead of others. Those left behind may simply stay behind. Some businesses may go completely online. I just talked to a Jewish friend in the states and he attended online synagogue and it was so much more convenient than driving miles to the next town for it. So online religious services may become the new norm too. Some services require face to face meetings like spa services (Taurus)! going to the bars (Taurus). It will be a challenge to move some immovables. Some services might pull off ahead of the pack. For example, a certain home tutor used to cater to students who live nearby coming to his home. Since moving online, he’s acquiring students from further away and even from overseas. He’s busier than ever.
Mars in 6º Taurus conjuncts Uranus, squares Jupiter in 7º Aquarius 20.1.2021
Around this date, Mars and Uranus together would bring sudden events. Taurus may be immovable but when stirred, it's unstoppable. The connection of the 2 planets to huge Jupiter (magnifying effect) in Aquarius (wild events) may bring about strange sudden weather conditions that may be big and unstoppable. It could also be a sudden change in financial matters that has a technological edge to it.
Mars / Taurus (aggression, breaking down, active fund raising) could bring about destruction, breaking down or activities of all things Aquarius (Jupiter/Saturn/Aquarius) such as technology, the internet, community projects, humanitarian projects, etc.
I shall add more interpretation if I can think of more...
The purpose of my essays so far is to discuss how we can connect Astrology to what’s happening in 2020, in particular to the Coronavirus pandemic. I’ve outlined the predictions for the 2nd half of the year from August 2020. ‘How’ those things will come about, we won’t know until it happens. It could be war, a natural disaster, or the coronavirus situtaion worsening. Hopefully, it’s call to vigilance and preparation for what Mars will bring.
So, are you spending this time just enjoying your in-house entertainment, or are you preparing for what's to come in mid-August, and again in October and yet again in December?
Stay Safe, Stay Home.
I am adding new interpretations as I get inspiration...
11.5.2020 - I woke up today and thought about what else Mars / Aries squaring Jupiter / Saturn / Aquarius in Jan 2021 could mean - Aquarius governs technology and innovative and the internet - perhaps there could be a major breakdown of the internet systems!