Saturn-Pluto 2020
Disclaimer: This content of this article is based on my own astrological interpretation. You may or may not need to believe.
Written by Hawk Liu
Saturn and Pluto are conjunct – aligned in the same longitudinal plane viewed from earth in January 2020. Their coming together marks the another cycle of events that the energies of both planets bring with them.
The diagram shows the peak of the coming together (conjunct) on 12.1.2020, with the Sun and Mercury also in the same alignment in the sky. This accumulation of energy is strong.
It must be noted that this cycle is a high point of another event that started in 2008 – Pluto entered the sign of Capricorn. It will leave Capricorn in 2024. Pluto won’t be coming back to Capricorn in more than 2 lifetimes. What is the energy of Pluto doing in Capricorn to the world, and will last til 2024?
Capricorn is about the worldly establishments and systems, whether it’s banking systems, governmental conventions, or other traditional forms or ways of doing things. It pertains to government bodies and traditional mindsets about career building, hierarchy, and such. As a sign in earth element, it also pertains brick and mortar industries that can include materials – oil and gas, building, goods, etc. It also pertains to hierarchy and working through conventional rank and file to be successful, not forgetting getting that certificate to prove you are competent in anything.
Pluto energy is one that does not do anything superficially. It wants to dig deep into the matter at hand and investigates to expose what’s hidden. Its energy is intense and will be relentless. It is also a transforming power to challenge the status quo, and purge whatever cannot work anymore. It also rules death – we are familiar with it this year! It is also the planet that rules sex. It has a staying power that you cannot ignore. Pluto will change the way you do things once it hits.
When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, it started its task of challenging the Capricornian things of the world mentioned in the previous paragraph. For example, Obama was elected as the first black American president – challenging the old convention or having only whites as presidents til then. It was also the first time a female candidate (Hilary Clinton) contested – another break from traditions (Capricorn); it was also a financial crash which involved the Lehman Brothers.
But lets focus on Saturn-Pluto interactions, the topic of this essay. What does Saturn bring to the table in the scene set by Pluto in Capricorn as fore-described? Saturn is the ruler (controller, associated with) of the sign of Capricorn and therefore have very similar archetypal characteristics of Capricorn. Saturn brings about discipline, restrictions, isolation, control, depression, disease and the like. The combination of Saturn and Pluto brings heaviness, a challenge to conventions, death, destruction, restrictions, etc. The aftermath will cause the world to change.
To see the potentials of an era brought by a Saturn-Pluto interactions, we go back in time.
1914 – world war one.
1931 – the Great Depression
1947 – power (Pluto) struggle between and within countries after the 2nd world war.
1982 – AIDS epidemic, economic recession, collapse of the Soviet Union
2001 – terrorist plane attacks on USA’s World Trade Centre.
The aftermath of the examples – death and destruction (wars), diseases; restrictions (Saturn) on the way we connect with others in sex (Pluto); new restrictions / structure / procedures (Saturn) in air travel in terms of all the new safety precautions before boarding to prevent use of passenger planes in terrorism.
We are in 2020, the beginning of April when I am writing this. This current Saturn-Pluto conjunct has brought about many things both Saturn and Pluto stand for – a deadly disease (coronavirus), restriction in human movement of the whole world (including the most populous nation of the world), restriction on travel, isolation, deaths, economic standstill and death of jobs. Pluto is certainly challenging established structure and conventions in our way of life and Saturn is bringing restrictions and heaviness – work, business and school are forced to go online; leisure activites are curtailed; many deaths in many countries, isolation is enforced; hospitals are full. This list goes on.
Saturn has just entered the sign of Aquarius as I am writing this. Aquarius rules innovation, computers, technology, and humanitarian causes. Saturn is driving us towards those directions and we are actually witnessing it now. But this is another story for another essay to come…soon. Watch this space. I will try to write some everyday…