Jupiter-Pluto 2020
Disclaimer: This content of this article is based on my own astrological interpretation. You may or may not need to believe.
Written by Hawk Liu
Jupiter will conjunct Pluto (coming into the same longitudinal plane in the sky) in the sign of Capricorn from March-November 2020.
I came upon this article which tells of plagues and pandemics associated with Jupiter-Pluto conjunctions.
Examples of plagues / epidemics / pandemics that happened during some Jupiter-Pluto Cycles:
1347 – peak of Black Death
1771 – Russian plague
1918/9 – Spanish flu
1943/4 – Flu
1955/6/7 – Asian Flu
1968/9 – Hong Kong Flu
1976/7 (Jupiter-Pluto opposition) – Swine Flu, Russian Flu
1981/2 – HIV
2009 – Swine flu
2020 – Coronavirus
2032/2033 – ?
1st alignment of Jupiter and Pluto in the sky in Mar 2020
2nd alignment of Jupiter and Pluto in the sky in Jun 2020
3rd alignment of Jupiter and Pluto in the sky in Nov 2020
I have explained the energies of Pluto in my previous article . The new player here is Jupiter. Jupiter, usually a benefic planet, brings about optimism, luck, wisdom, confidence, education, exploration, long distance travel, judgement and most of all – doing everything big. Since Jupiter is in Capricorn (which energies are explained in the same previous article), the planet has trouble trying to accomplish its positive efforts to bring good under the heavy and restraining efforts of Capricorn – a bit of a tug of war. When Jupiter conjuncts Pluto in Capricorn (Mar-Nov 2020), the effects may well be unpredictable. One of the trends seemed to have been the amplification of the spread of diseases and causing deaths, as history tells us. This is because Jupiter does everything big, including amplifying Pluto’s malefic effects or bringing about diseases and death.
Another interpretation of the Jupiter-Pluto-Capricorn energies:
There will be optimism even in the light of all the restrictions. People remain optimistic and possibly over-confident, and the surge in travel to bring citizens back to home countries in late March, in Singapore (during the 1st peak of the Jupiter-Pluto conjunct) has led to sudden unexpected spikes in the number of cases. Most people are still going about their daily business, mingling sufficiently in crowds (evident from social media). That is the danger of positive Jupiter. The virus are silent invaders, attacking human victims without obvious symptoms, spreading it around quickly since people do not know they have got it. The 2-week incubation period of the virus with no symptoms makes it an effective intruder / killer. Pluto, the ruler of Scorpio, is insedious, and brings about death.
Other explanations for the Jupiter-Pluto conjunct:
With the 3 peaks in the conjunct (Mar, Jun, Nov), I do believe something different will happen with each peak. We are in the midst of the 1st peak since late March, and this will flow without much abatement into the next peak in Jun and that will last most of July. Jupiter and Pluto will part for a bit and then come back for the 3rd peak most of November. The pattern seems to suggest that optimism will rise and fall a few times this year. Jubilation when things get a bit better and then the insedious Pluto gets back into the action (with Jupiter a little away during the non-peaks) and things gets worse.
Jupiter also rules education / teaching. The combined energies of Jupiter-Pluto can bring about transfommation of how education institutions can still carry out their purpose in the current situation of physical isolation – in the form of online lessons as being one solution. Jupiter also represents the energy of pushing boundaries. Besides pushing the boundaries of how to carry on education, the world is also pushing the boundaries of how far traditional or conventional (the precincts of Capricorn) constructs can go in order to find ways to do things. In other words, previously established / tried and tested ways of doing something are not working anymore. For example, during the SARS epidemic, detection was easily done in the form of temperature taking. This doesn’t work for the case of coronavirus which can go asymptomatic in the afflicted.
Jupiter is a strong force by itself. So let’s look at some positives. Jupiter wants the truth and things to come out in the open but exploring and discover and preaching. Pluto digs into things deeply, also to expose and reform / transform. Since exposing is a common energy, there will be all sorts of information about authority / government / establishments / systems / banking / economies (all Capricornian or Pluto stuff) being exposed and questioned (Pluto / Jupiter). There may be finger pointing / judgement / wisdom (Jupiter) that will come out of all this. Because the conjunct happens 3 times in the period of almost a year, there will be strong effects coming out of this - more deaths, more questioning after those in power, secrets exposed, optimism, overturning traditions and conventions, religious beliefs being questioned, reinventing education, re-evaluating whether the status quo is right or wrong, and exploring new ways to do old things.
Many religious (Jupiter) issues have surfaced. The demand for religious freedom (Jupiter) has caused the virus to spread even more rapidly in churches, mosques and the like. Thousands of devotees had congregated for huge events in the first quarter of the year despite the respective governments calls for cancellations. We know what resulted - mass viral afflictions(Saturn), mass quarantine (Saturn), and deaths (Pluto). The actions of the religious (Jupiter) congregations has exposed (Pluto) issues and future attitudes would see questionings (Pluto) from many quarters.
The Straits Times (8.4.2020)
Government (Saturn) are changing their mindsets and philosophies (Jupiter).
Jupiter will certainly have a hard time in the heavy vicinity of Pluto and Capricorn. However, great Jupiter will still find ways to have fun and freedom - 2 big keywords for Jupiter.
The link above illustrates Jupiter's need to have fun within the restrictions imposed by Saturn. There's certainly more than one case of people trying to go out of their houses in full costumes - it's fun and at the same time offers full suit protection from the environment! Jupiter is known for pushing boundaries and people will definitely be pushing the boundaries in what they can do to have fun or get things done despite the restriction of movement.
For the sake of those who might be reading this many years later, this meme is just an indication of buying and hoarding daily necessaities during a period of movement restrictions. Lots of humour is coming out of these dark and serious times. Thank you, Great Jove!
There are other players. Saturn’s rendezvous is in the next story…
